Defending Non-Citizens in St. Louis and Missouri Criminal Defense
Criminal charges can have serious consequences for anyone. But for immigrants, a conviction can be devastating and possibly lead to deportation or removal. Many misdemeanor and felony arrests and convictions result in deportation, no matter how many years you have lawfully resided in the United States.
If you are a foreign national or illegal immigrant, an experienced criminal defense can make the difference for your future. Do not let your rights go unprotected.
Criminal defense attorneys do not always know the immigration consequences of criminal convictions. We have extensive experience fighting convictions with motions to reopen, and advising clients and even other attorneys on these difficult and confusing issues. We know how to protect your rights in Missouri state and federal criminal courts as well as at immigration hearings.
Mr. Bolourtchi has written articles and is a frequent speaker on the Immigration Consequences of Criminal Convictions, and is regarded as an expert in this area by his peers. If you are an immigrant facing criminal charges, an experienced attorney can be the difference between being allowed to stay or ordered to leave the US.
Protecting Your Rights. Defending Your Freedom.
Over the decades, our attorneys have successfully defended clients from all over the world. Legal professionals throughout the St. Louis area turn to us for advice regarding their criminal defense of immigrants. We have won numerous motions to set aside and vacate, and have the experience to advise and represent you when facing criminal charges.
Investigators or prosecutors may try to convince you that you do not have rights. This is not true. We have extensive experience representing clients against criminal charges and immigration violations such as:
- Harboring fugitives
- Smuggling
- Drug crimes
- Using false documents or Social Security cards
- Illegally reentering the U.S. after deportation
We know that a criminal conviction can lead to deportation or removal, and we are dedicated to protecting your right to stay in the U.S. The attorneys at Cofman & Bolourtchi will zealously fight for you, every case, every time.
Post Conviction Issues
Maybe the prosecutors charged you with a crime that has immigration consequences, but the crime you should have been charged with cannot result in deportation. Maybe you trusted another lawyer who told you to plead guilty to a crime.
Whatever your situation, we will help you understand if post-conviction litigation can help you stay in the United States. We will work to have your case reopened and strive for an outcome that is in your best interests.
Begin Your Defense Today
We are dedicated to defending immigrants against criminal charges throughout Missouri. Call (314) 863-3838 or contact us online to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced attorneys.